Pesticide sprayers are available in several different styles and sizes with each having its own particular benefits. Choosing the best pesticide sprayer probably depends on the size of the area being treated. A tank-style pesticide sprayer, for example, is usually best for treating small lawn or garden areas and home perimeters. Garden-hose sprayers are often a better choice for larger lawns and shrubbery. A powered pesticide sprayer is designed to treat very large areas, and some models can be attached to a tractor or riding lawn mower.
Pesticide sprayers are manufactured in many different styles, and choosing the best type can sometimes be difficult. Before selecting a particular type, it is best to determine exactly how and where it will be used. A pesticide sprayer with an adjustable nozzle often works best for both interior and exterior home pest control treatments. Self-mixing sprayers are usually a good choice for treating lawn and garden areas. Backpack style sprayers typically work well in treating perimeters and other remote areas.
Tank-style sprayers are the most commonly used device for applying pesticide around homes and other structures. This portable pesticide sprayer features an adjustable nozzle for fine or broad applications. Tank sizes range from small, hand-held models to large, shoulder-mounted units. These pesticide sprayers are relatively inexpensive and easy to operate, but require a precise mixture of pesticide concentrate and water for correct results. Most models consist of a holding tank, pressure pump, flexible hose, and sprayer wand.
A garden-hose pesticide sprayer is appropriate for treating larger outdoor areas such as lawns, gardens, and shrubbery. This inexpensive device eliminates the need for a large, pressurized holding tank by utilizing the water pressure provided by the garden hose. It typically consists of a small, hand-held, mixing tank that attaches to the end of the hose. The holding tank is filled with pesticide concentrate and mixed automatically when the water is turned on. The nozzle is designed to quickly deliver a large volume of pesticide over a broad area.
Powered sprayers can be used alone or in combination with a tractor or riding lawnmower. This pesticide sprayer variant is similar to a tank-style unit, but utilizes a small gasoline or electric motor to pressurize the holding tank. Powered sprayers eliminate the need for frequent holding tank repressurization and are well-suited for very large lawns, gardens, and greenhouses. Some models utilize a carry-around backpack design, while others may be attached to the electric power supply of a small garden tractor or all-terrain vehicle. These sprayers come in several different tank sizes and are usually the most expensive type.