Wall hangers of all kinds help with organization and clutter. They create an easily visible organizational system and can add interest to an otherwise bare, plain section of wall. Some of the different types of hangers used on walls include those for plates, coats, quilts and guitars.
A guitar wall hanger is usually black in color and may be made from plastic or metal. Most guitar wall hangers fasten to the wall with metal screws. All styles and sizes of guitars usually fit into any guitar wall hanger since they're adjustable. The hanging devices can be expanded to fit different guitar neck widths. Most guitar wall hangers have two prongs that support the neck while the rest of the instrument hangs vertically.
Quilts are often displayed on walls as well as beds; they can make beautiful and colorful wall hangings. To make quilts look their best on walls, a rectangular piece of wood or other material is attached to the wall. Under the part of the hanger piece that shows outward are clamps or clips that hold the quilt. The top edge of the quilt then hangs under the wooden or metal header piece with the rest of the blanket hanging straight down. Some wall hangers made to hang quilts feature a ledge on the top that can be used to display plates, vases or other accent pieces that coordinate with the look of the stitched quilt.
Wall hangers for coats are a classic look and often the perfect accessory to have near an outside door — especially when there is no coat closet. Coat wall hangers should have large, sturdy hooks. A rubber mat for muddy boots with an umbrella stand next to it can make useful accompaniments to a wall coat hanger.
Plate wall hangers are available in many types. Some of these are made of elaborately twisted and scrolled wrought iron. Wrought iron is metal that has been heated to extreme temperatures to allow it to be bent in many intricate patterns. The shape of these types of wall plate hangers is almost ladder-like; most have room for a row of three or four large plates. The hangers may be placed either vertically or horizontally on a wall.
Other types of wall mounted plate hangers are small, narrow boxed-in shelves with dowel features to hold the plates in. These hanging plate shelves are usually quite old-fashioned looking in design and are often made of wood. Metal hooks to hang tea or coffee cups may be included in these types of plate wall hangers.