A chain link fence is a form of metal fence that is made from several parts. These include poles, fence posts, gates, clamps, and the chain link mesh material. The chain link fence parts can be purchased as complete kits or in separate units. Each part has a specific function in the overall fencing structure.
The first item required in a chain link fence is the fence post. Fence posts are among the most important chain link fence parts because they are used as the primary support for the main fencing material. These posts should be placed into the ground at 6-foot (1.82-meter) increments, and reinforced with concrete footers to ensure the posts are sturdy.
Once the fence posts are securely buried, the fencing mesh material can be unrolled to begin the pole-mounting process. The fence mesh is attached to each pole with a special chain link clamp. Clamps are one of the most widely used chain link fence parts because each pole will require at least three clamps. These clamps secure the mesh material to the pole.
Before the chain mesh is attached to the pole, it must be pulled tight with a special chain link pulling device. This is similar to a hand crank, which is designed to take the slack out of the fence before it is permanently connected to the pole. The chain puller is available in both manual and electric versions. It can be purchased at most hardware stores.
Fence poles are another item included in chain link fence parts. These poles are attached at the top portion of the fence mesh material. The poles are connected to each post and to each other with special pole-connection hardware. This is a metal clamp device with two pole holes on adjacent sides.
The poles are connected to the chain mesh material with post clamps. These are the same type of clamps that were used to connect the wire mesh to the fence posts. These clamps take out any slack from the ground area to the upper portion of the fence.
Gates are the last of the necessary chain link fence parts. The gate is the area that enables entry into the surrounding fence. Most gates are purchased pre-assembled. The gate is attached to the fence using special gate swing hinges. This enables the gate to open and close freely without putting stress on the entire fence structure.